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The World

Why It's Time for the W&PSRR Once Again

Finally, how could the W&PSRR benefit the world outside Warrensburg?


For makers of electric vehicles, the W&PSRR could be a laboratory for developing better batteries and improving electric motors and drivetrains adapted for streetcar use. Warrensburg and the W&PSRR could also serve as the proving ground for similarly sized rail systems built elsewhere. In big cities, such rail systems using modern vehicles could  solve the “last mile” transit problem of connecting isolated residential areas with subways or commuter trains.


Such rail systems also could serve as transit circulators at major medical centers and large universities nationwide. The battery-powered streetcar built in Warrensburg could become the model for such systems nationally and internationally.


While designing and building any rail system presents challenges, the W&PSRR would be an economical, low-pressure undertaking. It also would make Warrensburg the nation’s smallest city with a public rail transit system that, over decades, would grow and help shape the community for the better.


Dale Carnegie, the public speaking expert who attended Central Missouri State Teachers College before publishing How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1936, also took the long view of measuring success when he wrote, “Patience and perseverance will accomplish more in this world than a brilliant dash.”

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